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Soldering time!
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Post holidays news
I’m very busy working on a production of the OCS synth.
I’m also working on a new prototype of a FM synthesizer.
Thanks for your interest
OCS raised lots of interest. Thanks for all your support.
The PCB is in version 1.1, in order to make the production easier.
The software improve a bit.
I’m currently working to produce a batch of PCB and electronics.
In the meantime, I’m trying to find a partner to sell it.
OCS-2 is ready!
The firmware is in version 1.
OCS-2 is ready to use.
I already built a few to be used by musician.
First version is soldered
After few programming days, the OCS-2 Version 1 will be officially ready!
Proto 2 is finished
The Prototype 2 firmware is finished.
some polishing is needed before releasing the version 1.0
Final PCB are in production.
So, 1st release is planed for end of march 2016.
Proto 3
While working on proto 2 firmware, the prototype 3 face changed :
New website
your in the right place to see the new OCS website!
Prototype 1 is finished
Prototype 1 is working great. Few things can be optimised, a prototype 2 is on it’s way.