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Wood stand
I made schematics for wood stand for 1 or 2 synths.
[slideshow_deploy id=’3141′]
You can download the schematics (in “resources” tab, and ask a local fab-lab to cut it in a 9mm plywood.
I did not plan to produce and sell them, unless there is a demand.
The OCS-2 and MMO-3 are now on test at Modularsquare in Paris
The process of burning the nozoïd logo on the wooden case
Sylvain Stoppani playing live
Sylvain Stoppani play with OCS-2 sequenced by #auxy for iPad, MMO-3 arpegiated by #mutableinstruments #midipal & #teenageengineering #op1
— nozoïd (@nozoid_synth) 18 septembre 2017