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THSF 2019
Pour les Toulousaines et les toulousains, je serais présent au #THSF pour le 10eme Toulouse Hacker Space Factory. Beaucoup de conf, d’atelier et de concert pendant ce WE. Pour ma part, j’animerais un atelier autour des Nozori, et j’en profite pour proposer ces modules en kit a un prix défiant toutes concurrence.
Modular Square
You can test/buy Nozori module at Modular Square, in Paris!
Synthfest du 7 au 9 juin, a Nantes!
I will not be at synthfest, but Nozori modules will be on display thanks to la voix du luthier and modular square
A big thanks to both of them.
Nozori 68 and Nozori 84 are in stock
After the success of the kickstarter, All modules have been shipped last month. Now they are in stock and you can buy them via the online shop.
successful kickstarter campaign!
Huge promotion
Thanks to the success of the Nozori Kickstarter campaign, I have to make room on my shelves. You can buy a semi-modular OCS-2 or MMO-3 synthesizer with 20% off with the promo code “nozori”. This code is valid until the end of the nozori kickstarter campaign
nozori : nozoïd new project is now on kickstarter!
Help me to produce the nozori project with kickstarter :
Jean Michel Jarre exhibit his OCS-2 in the EQUINOXE INFINITY album making off
The OCS-2 is visible at time 2’52.
Watch on youtube