Chris Meyer of Learning Modular made a piece using the nozori 68 (The “wind” is made with the Noise algorithm for Nozori 68) :
Learning Modular website is full of great resources!
Thanks Chris!
Chris Meyer of Learning Modular made a piece using the nozori 68 (The “wind” is made with the Noise algorithm for Nozori 68) :
Learning Modular website is full of great resources!
Thanks Chris!
Peter Toybulldog post a video using a lot’s of nozori modules:
Have you heard about “Tropical additive synthesis“?
It is a new form of sound synthesis that uses tropical algebra. Additive synthesis equations are transformed using tropical addition (⊕) and tropical multiplication (⊗).
We are using :
a⊕b := min{a,b}
a⊗b := a+b
If we consider the sum of two waves : b[n] = a1*cos(ω1n) + a2*cos(ω2n), its tropicalization is simply : trop(b[n]) = a1⊗cos(ω1n) ⊕ a2⊗cos(ω2n) = min{a1 + cos(ω1n),a2 + cos(ω2n)}.
Nozoïd is the first hardware manufacturer to propose this innovative synthesis!
I was not able to document this earlier thanks to a NDA I signed with the developer of the synthesis, but all nozori 84 hardware propose this module!
©2018 Cristiano Bocci and Giorgio Sancristoforo
I’m very happy to announce the availability a software emulation of all Nozori 68 modules to VCVRack. You can now easily test this 23 modules that fit in a simple hardware.
Nozori 84 will also be available soon!
Pour les Toulousaines et les toulousains, je serais présent au #THSF pour le 10eme Toulouse Hacker Space Factory. Beaucoup de conf, d’atelier et de concert pendant ce WE. Pour ma part, j’animerais un atelier autour des Nozori, et j’en profite pour proposer ces modules en kit a un prix défiant toutes concurrence.
You can test/buy Nozori module at Modular Square, in Paris!
I will not be at synthfest, but Nozori modules will be on display thanks to la voix du luthier and modular square
A big thanks to both of them.
After the success of the kickstarter, All modules have been shipped last month. Now they are in stock and you can buy them via the online shop.